59 research outputs found

    A High Result in Wavelet Watermarking Using Singular Value Decomposition

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    Internet that has developed into a good distribution tool for digital data, causing a large increase in digital data sharing, especially in the form of digital images, and causing problems that need attention. One of them is about copyright protection. Watermarking is one technique that aims to protect digital image copyright. In this study, watermarking was carried out using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) algorithms in digital images with different file extensions. Transformation of 2 levels of DWT and SVD on the host image and SVD transformation on the watermarked image that inserted in the LL2 sub-band of the host image. Watermarking with the proposed method produces good image quality with PSNR values exceeding 40 dB, SSIM reaching 0.99 and NCC reaching 1. This shows a robust and imperceptible watermarking image


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    Transmitting image through the internet needs to be secured because of risk to be stolen. Security techniques that can be used for securing data especially image are cryptography and steganography. Combine these techniques can provide double protection in image security. In this research, we proposed the used of T-DES encryption with a selective bit to improve the time performance because time aspect is one of the important aspects of data transmission process. Four MSB of the secret image will be selected, then it will be encrypted using T-DES. After that, this encrypted results will be combined with other 4 LSB. This encryption scheme result will be embedded into a cover image using inverted LSB because inverted LSB can produce high imperceptible value. From 6 testing images which encrypted using proposed scheme present that proposed encryption scheme is twice faster than classic triple DES and slightly faster than double DES. While the embedding scheme can produce PSNR value above 40 dB with the range between 51 dB to 61 dB as well as SSIM which close to 1. This result denoted that proposed scheme generated good quality of stego images


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    Dampak dari kemudahan pengaksesan informasi telah dirasakan oleh banyak pihak sebagai salah satu isu dalam keamanan data, khususnya file. Informasi sangat rentan untuk dimanipulasi oleh pihak yang tidak berkepentingan. Berdasarkan masalah tersebut, diperlukan teknik untuk mengamankan data. Teknik yang dikenal dapat digunakan untuk mengamankan data yaitu Kriptografi. Adapun algoritma kriptografi yang mudah untuk diterapkan namun mempunyai tingkat keamanan yang baik yaitu Shift Cipher. Shift Cipher dikenal lebih aman dibandingkan Caesar Cipher. Teknik ini menggunakan sisa bagi dari perhitungan yang dilakukan dan proses penyandian menggunakan operasi modulo 26. Dalam percobaan yang telah dilakukan pada sejumlah file dokumen, membuktikan bahwa Shift Cipher mempunyai kehandalan dalam mengamankan data. Hasil ekstraksi file telah berhasil dilakukan tanpa merusak file induk dan file pesan tanpa merubah isi dan ukuran file. Kata Kunci : Shift Cipher, Confidentiality, Kriptografi, File, Modulo


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    Adanya kesamaan fungsi pada  metode Kriptografi dan Steganografi untuk mengamankan data, maka makalah ini menggunakan algoritma Vernam Cipher sebagai salah satu algoritma yang popular pada Kriptografi dan End Of File (EOF) pada metode Steganografi. Vernam Cipher mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyembunyikan data karena proses enkripsi dan dekripsi menggunakan sebuah kunci yang sama. Kunci ini berasal dari perhitungan XOR anatar bit plainteks dengan bit kunci. Sedangkan EOF dikenal sebagai pengembangan dari metode Least Significant Bit (LSB). EOF dapat digunakan untuk menyisipkan data yang ukurannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan file asli berformat .mp3 dan file spoofing berformat .pdf. file hasil stegano berhasil di ekstraksi menjadi file asli dan file spoofing. Ukuran file yang telah melalui proses penyisipan sama dengan ukuran file sebelum disisipkan data ditambah dengan ukuran data yang disisipkan ke dalam file tersebut. Kata Kunci: Vernam Chiper, End Of File, Kriptografi, Steganografi


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    Makalah ini mengusulkan metode steganografi untuk mengamankan data gambar penyakit. Data gambar penyakit yang digunakan sebagai gambar induk merupakan hasil CT-Scan dan endokopi, yaitu brain.jpg dan endoscopic.jpg. dalam makalah ini, SLT dan DCT dipilih sebagai algoritma dalam pengamanan data gambar penyakit. DCT diketahui mempunyai kapasitas kompresi gambar yang lebih baik dibanding dengan DWT, sedangkan SLT merupakan pengembangan dari DWT.  SLT mempunyai waktu tempuh yang lebih baik dibanding DWT dan mempunyai pemadatan energy lebih baik dari DCT, sehingga SLT dinilai dapat menutup kelemahan DCT dan gabungan dari SLT-DCT dapat menghasilkan nilai PNSR lebih tinggi dibanding DWT atau DWT-DCT. Hasil eksperimen telah membuktikan bahwa SLT-DCT menghasilkan imperceptibility yang baik sehingga tidak dapat dibedakan dengan gambar aslinya secara kasat mata dengan batas standar yaitu 30dB. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan perolehan PSNR dari kedua gambar penyakit yang digunakan yaitu brain.jpg 30,7012 dB dan endoscopic,jpg 32,6842 dB. Kata Kunci: Steganografi, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Discrete Cosine Transform, Slantlet Transform, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

    Visual Analysis Based on CMY and RGB Image Cryptography Using Vigenere and Beaufort Cipher

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    The achievement of visual aspects and image security often cannot meet visibility standards, for example the acquisition of PSNR and UACI NPCR values. To increase security, this research has implemented a combination of the Vigenere cipher and Beaufort and the use of Fibonacci as a randomizer. The combination of the Vigenere Cipher and Beaufort Cipher substitution algorithms with the Fibonacci technique can be applied to encrypt color images in RGB and CMY, with a size of 256x256 pixels and in .bmp format. The Fibonacci cut-off value used in this study is 10000. The highest entropy value of the cipher image peppers.bmp is 7,991. The lowest PSNR cipher image value is accordion.bmp where for RGB it is 5,439 dB and for CMY it is 5,403 dB. accordion.bmp's highest UACI value is 44.018% for RGB and 44.312% for CMY. The NPCR value in the airplane.bmp image has the highest value in RGB of 99.792% and for CMY the highest value is in splash.bmp with a value of 99.798%. Evaluation of the decryption results shows that the decryption process can run perfectly as indicated by the values of MSE=0, PSNR=inf, UACI and NPCR=0%. Therefore, encrypt and decrypt was proven that the results obtained in the visual aspect are very good


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    Pneumonia is condition which our lungs become inflamed due to infection from viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Pneumonia can affect anyone, both adults and children. Because of this, prevention of pneumonia is important. Prevention can be done by the process of maintain our immunity and lungs. In this study, had been done classify pneumonia based on X-ray images. This study using X-ray images dataset with total data is 5840 images in .jpg extensions. With a total number of images from training data is 5216 images and number of images from the test data is 624 images. The dataset that used in this research has 2 main classes, namely class normal and pneumonia. Normal class indicates that the X-Ray results are not detected with pneumonia. While the pneumonia class indicates that the processed X-Ray results are diagnose affected by pneumonia. The purpose of this research is building model that can be used to classify pneumonia based on X-Ray images. The classification process carried out in this study uses the Convolutional Neural Network method. The purpose of using the CNN method in the classification process of this research is because, in the process, CNN can extract features automatically and independently, so that the data provided does not need to be preprocessing first, but the data still produces good extraction features and can provide accurate classification results.  The results from the testing process is carried out to run or perform in the pneumonia classification process, the CNN model built obtained a classification test accuracy of 87.82051205635071%

    A Good Performance OTP Encryption Image based on DCT-DWT Steganography

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    The security aspect is very important in data transmission. One way to secure data is with steganography and cryptography. Surely research on this should continue to be developed to improve security. In this paper, we proposed a combination of steganographic and cryptographic algorithms for double protection during data transmission. The selected steganographic algorithm is the use of a combination of DCT and DWT domain transformations. Because the Imperceptibility aspect is a very important aspect of steganographic techniques, this aspect needs to be greatly improved. In the proposed method of DCT transformation first, proceed with DWT transformation. From the experimental results obtained better imperceptibility quality, compared with existing methods. To add OTP message security applied algorithm to encrypt the message image, before it is inserted. This is evidenced by experiments conducted on 20 grayscale images measuring 512x512 with performance tests using MSE, PSNR, and NC. Experimental results prove that DCT-DWT-OTP generates PNSR more than 50 dB, and NC of all images is 1
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